\input macros.\fmtext % include macros common to all of this package \input lists.\fmtext % item lists %\input picture.\fmtext % macros for making pictures \input fontdefs.\fmtext % define fonts and families \input options.\fmtext % implement the switches \input publicat.\fmtext % title page for publications \input memo.\fmtext % memo formatter \input letter.\fmtext % letter formatter \input chapters.\fmtext % body, chapter, section, subsection \input citation.\fmtext % references, figures, tables, equations \input verbatim.\fmtext % verbatim scanning macros \input index.\fmtext % indexing macros \input output.\fmtext % output formatting \input institut.\fmtext % hooks for the present institution \lock % lock the macro names with  key \fmtjob % do what \everyjob normally does \dump % if INITEX was used, dump the fmt file

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